Personalized medical nutrition concept

Focus on brain nutrition

Nutribalance brings to the fore the role of nutrition in mental, physical and emotional health, with direct impact on longevity.
Why choose nutribalance?

The simplicity of transposing medical scientific studies, especially nutrition into people’s everyday needs is the pathway for each of us to rediscover the Mind-Body-Soul harmony.

Over 15 years experience
We use the latest technologies and innovations from the scientific medical world
Innovative concept
Direct impact on longevity

Nutrition Biochemistry

Brain nutrition


Nutrition Biochemistry

This new, innovative concept in medical nutrition, developed by Alina Epure with passion and science represents a fusion between biochemistry and nutrition.

It is essential to understand how every piece of food, every glass of water, every thought, every action, every interaction, every supplement, every hour of sleep, every hour of sports activity influences blood chemistry and how we can, through these modern tools, invest in prevention, vitality and longevity.


Brain nutrition

From waking up to going to bed we are preoccupied with gathering information, accessing it in different contexts throughout the day.

The brain is the most used organ in everyday activity, it is the one that conditions and coordinates proper functioning, from head to toe. Performance comes primarily from the plate. A devitalized brain creates context where cravings, addictions, induced needs define our food profile, our daily choices, blocking our chance to be in our best shape.



The longest journey of life, in our body, is represented by the path from the mind to the soul.

The lack of connection between mind, body and soul, the removal of any of these 3 components from the daily life is a secure path to illness. We often talk about neuroplasticity without considering our expectations are too high.

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